Mekong Region Land Governance Project

MRLG works to improve land and forest resource governance in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, as well as at the regional level with ASEAN. MRLG works with alliance partners in government, civil society, the private sector, and academia to revise policies and practices. By applying evidence and international best practices to some of the most pressing development challenges, MRLG and its partners hope to create a better, more sustainable, and inclusive future for the people of the Mekong region.

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What’s New


Customary Tenure (CT)

Securing customary tenure rights with a focus on on gender equity, community engagement, and land rights in the Mekong region.

Cross-Cutting Themes

Integrating"Gender Transformative Land Governance" and "Climate Change and Tenure Security" to advance equitable governance.

Stories from the Field

Project Partners

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